mixed media, sculpture, painting, drawing, photography and video


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Blue – Blue/ Albastru / Azul / Neelam

https://youtu.be/ANujB4J9q30 Video Performance, 16:07 min. The Blue project was born during the “Words work” workshop at the Mother Tongue Festival in February of 2023. The aim of the project was to create a collaboration where we bring our diverse ideas, languages, and identities together to understand how gestures create a sense of belonging towards oneself, and towards one another. Therefore, I join to the visual artist, Leia Mocan and the performer, Subhashini Goda, to work on the commonalities of gestures and on how colours were linked to emotions, regardless of one’s national, ethnic, or racial identity. The one colour that

Invisible Woman, 2022

https://youtu.be/KAHAJ0q2rPE Stop motion video animation in Rubber charcoal drawings - 3:15 min. Short story based on the struggles of the marginalised Black Women and the interconnected pathways that need to be crossed so their voice could be heard beyond the realm of reality and time. Can all of us be ourselves, independent of our current social, culture and economic situation? How do we pray for the wonders of feminism to someone who survives under overlayers of disadvantages and discrimination?

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