mixed media, sculpture, painting, drawing, photography and video

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June 11, 2023 Comments Off

https://youtu.be/Jo9IlGZhQLA Video Collage, Personal archive footage, mixed media and soap bubbles 5:40 Metaphorical analogy with a philosophical and emotional approach to life, death and after during the isolation due Covid 19 pandemic.

June 11, 2023 Comments Off

https://youtu.be/lCfzphuE-DI Part I - The Invasion - Colonization and Settlement. Capitalism and Imperialism Exploitation of the land and people (Video Collage, performance in video 3:11 min) https://youtu.be/cx8folFftaA Part II - The “Other” -

June 11, 2023 Comments Off

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B60A4IQmCDU Video Performance, Video Collage, Sculpture, mixed media and found objects 14:39 min This video will presentes some key points of the process of colonization and its legacy on modern society through a

June 11, 2023 Comments Off

https://youtu.be/YPSN8k7n5f8 Video fragment of experimental reflexive movie on multiculturalism, migration, identity and belonging. Video Performance and Sand stop motion animation 4:00 min As our society becomes more complex and more diverse, belonging is

June 11, 2023 Comments Off

https://youtu.be/Z-kxNpBa2hE Video Performance. Poem 3:00 min Saudade is a Portuguese and Galician word for a feeling of longing for something that can be time, place, person(s), a feeling, a moment, objects, a situation,

June 11, 2023 Comments Off

https://youtu.be/fU-OTLRYPRU Video Performance 5:01 Juxtaposition of communication. What I say and what I really feel.Saudade or the feeling of longing, can be described as an act of love and memory.However, for those who

June 11, 2023 Comments Off

https://youtu.be/ANujB4J9q30 Video Performance, 16:07 min. The Blue project was born during the “Words work” workshop at the Mother Tongue Festival in February of 2023. The aim of the project was to create a

June 11, 2023 Comments Off

https://youtu.be/KAHAJ0q2rPE Stop motion video animation in Rubber charcoal drawings - 3:15 min. Short story based on the struggles of the marginalised Black Women and the interconnected pathways that need to be crossed so